

I am a graphic designer and photographer based out of Atlanta Georgia. May of 2017 I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design and a minor in Art History at South Carolina School of the Arts at Anderson University in Anderson, SC. 


As a designer and a creative, my work is where I find myself. This world is full of wonder and mystery—design is an outlet that calls people to take notice of it in a unique way. It compels people to take a step back and look at something from a new standing. In my work, I seek ways to incite viewers to leave their comfort zone utilizing concept, theme, or execution. My desire is to call people to look at something through a different lens. I accomplish this through my work by creating pieces that are honest, involved, and intelligent. My work is created, not only to entice from first glance, but to draw the viewer into a memorable experience.

Since I have started my journey into the realm of design, one thing that continuously pushes me is that I am ravenously hungry. One of the greatest weapons in my arsenal has always been my mind. From the time my eyes open, to the time my mind drifts to dreaming at night, I question everything and research all that I can. This is simply because I cannot help but do so. The more I learn, the more my hunger grows like a fire being fed in a furnace. I believe that in order to have a leg up on your competition, you should know your enemy from every angle possible. Sun Tzu speaks of this in The Art of War, stating, “All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.” While the client or project is my friend, the problem or opportunity presented becomes my enemy. The place where I thrive in my design work is how I approach conceptualization. That is where I pull once seemingly random resources to become the key stroke to winning over a client for a project. 

I design because it is what my mind is designed to do. Jessica Hische once stated, “The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.” There is rarely a moment where I am not doing something that pertains to design. From something as complex as a large project, to simple editing of photography, I am always working on something. I design from passion, as my passion is simply that, design. I have a unrequitable distaste for mediocrity and a fervent aspiration for excellence. As long as my lungs grasp at oxygen I will never “go gentle into that good night.” Instead I want to be known to “rage, rage against the dying of the light” What that looks like, I may not know yet, however I find comfort from people who have gone before me in the same fashion. Like David Bowie, “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.”